Fascination Archery promotes enthusiasm and passion for the new trend sport. More and more people are taking up bows and arrows, and more and more clubs and departments of shooting clubs are being founded. Fascination Archery gives sportsmen and sportswomen many tips and tricks for best results. Proven experts write on topics such as training, equipment, medicine or psychology, so that the reader’s performance at the target can improve after reading. In addition, the reading pleasure with stories from top sports, from vacation regions, with personal stories or historical is not behind. All pages are generously illustrated.
For seven years, Fascination Archery was produced in printed form. From 2022, there will be a fundamental change. Fascination Archery / „FaBo“ will then continue to be published four times a year, but exclusively digitally.
In addition, it will be free of charge for all subscribers. All you have to do is register and enter the activation code FABO10 once – and you’ll have access to all issues.
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